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Industry Expert - Neil Wilson - Fall Arrest

Industry Expert - Neil Wilson - Fall Arrest

We speak with Neil Wilson, Director of fallarrest.com, rooflightcovers.com and harnesses.com, to get his industry expert opinion...

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Could you tell us a little about your career background and current role?

I started out 25 years ago to help another person in the office, as the fall protection department was growing.  The person then left shortly after to pursue another role, so I was kind of dropped in the deep end of learning!

What made you get into the height industry?

An opportunity arose to assist another person who was running the fall protection part of the business, I started learning, loved the job, what it entailed, keeping people safe, working on amazing buildings, the job is certainly different from many others.

How do you bridge the gap between your solutions and the professionals that need them?

We train our own sub-contracted and contracted labour, and we find this is a better route.  In the past our hands had been forced  into using the services of ‘labour master’ type outfits, but they generally didn’t work out particularly well.

What made you want to start your own company - was there a gap in the market or did you think you could do it better?

Our family business is 50 years old this year, and the fall protection business 25. 

The entry into fall protection was that our business used to be a huge flat roofing contractor, one of the biggest on the South Coast, and we were seeing these ‘fall protection systems’ on a number of roofs, so we sought out becoming trained and approved in these systems so that we could add value, and safety, for our clients.

Do you have any funny workplace stories?

Way too many to list over 25 years, but I did receive a message once to call back a client whose name was ‘Paul Mycock’. 

I was certain that it was a friend on the wind up, so I called back, and muttered the name quickly, to which the response from the receptionist was ‘I will just put you through’!

Are there any famous landmarks you’ve provided services for?

Many!  Bomber Command, Ipswich Football Club, Chelsea Football Club, The Mary Rose Museum, Terminal 2 Dublin Airport, BBC Studios (Wales), Bovington Tank Museum, The last D Day landing boat, Shania Twain’s old house, Nigel Mansell's museum, The Shell Building (Waterloo), De La Rue (where they make paper that makes money), Bournemouth International Centre, and quite a few famous people's houses.

Our company installed the very first Latchways Mansafe Constant Force Post system, as well as the first constant force post system to a Bauder roofing system,.

We were the originator of the 2.3m restraint line position and the originators of what is called ‘Fit for Purpose’ document by MSA Latchways.

Do you think that current fall protection legislation is sufficient to keep workers safe?

Yes, the issue arises with poor practice, mainly by building owners, and clients who simply either do not care, or think that an accident will never happen to them. 

What is more concerning is the fall protection contractors who will do anything to secure works, even telling lies, placing people in quite serious danger.

There are however, rumours in the market places that some of the newer standards have been written to benefit certain manufacturers of fall protection, which is also a little concerning.

Do you think Health & Safety Managers are educated in how to ensure working from height is done safely?

This is a difficult question.  I have seen case studies posted online, and on companies websites (some who are considered the biggest, and best) with images and information that goes against legislation.  We have gone to the lengths of contacting them, and they don’t care. 

It is all about the £££ for most, and it is not right that these contractors provide false information and undertake services that they shouldn’t, and that they know will cause the end user issues.  This means that managers are being taught the wrong way.

Are there any working from height resources you would recommend?

Well, fallarrest.com is a great starting point! 

We noticed a gap in the market where there was nothing quite like the site that we have produced and developed.  The HSE's working from height info is a good source, but from an honest perspective standpoint, I would say that fallarrest.com is the best source!

Where do you find new working from height products on the market?

There are not that many new products to be fair, but LinkedIn is a great source, as well as various notifications that are received by e-mail, and our supply chain partners are always abreast of the current products, and will alert us about new products.

After 25 years in the working from height game, what keeps you passionate about what you do?

Keeping people safe!  I often receive messages for advice and assistance, and being a 25 year strong company, our knowledge is broad in the industry. 

There are systems in place that companies are testing that they have never even seen before, or know the legislation, so being a leader in our field helps! 

I also have a passion for marketing, to which I have taught myself, so the domains (I have some 150 registered) that I have developed thus far, five in total, keep my brain ticking, and I am always trying to improve them. 

We offer much of our advisory services totally free of charge.

For any HSE Managers out there struggling to get health & safety investment from company owners, do you have any recommendations?

Tell them that if they think that health and safety is expensive, wait until they have an accident on their site! 

Think about people who may never walk again, or go home again simply for going to work.  Think about these peoples families, friends, and how they would feel if they were being forced to work so unsafely.

What part do you think AI will play in the future of working from height safety?

Not a lot.  It will good at creating AI images of working at height, and maybe able to work out designs, models, etc, but whilst AI is good, I feel that the human touch is going to be around for a long time!

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