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Global Health & Safety Regulatory Body List

Global Health & Safety Regulatory Body List


Do you ever wonder who makes sure your workplace is safe? From proper chemical handling to the sturdiness of your office chair, a network of global and regional health & safety regulations exists to keep you protected. These regulations are established and enforced by dedicated regulatory bodies, ensuring consistent standards across industries and countries.

This blog post serves as your guide to this critical network. We'll provide a comprehensive list of global health & safety regulatory bodies, organized by region, to help you find the information you need to stay safe at work, no matter where you are in the world.

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Types of Health & Safety Regulations

The world of health & safety regulations can seem complex, but it can be broken down into a few key categories:

  • Chemical Safety: These regulations focus on the safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous chemicals. They may cover everything from labeling requirements to proper ventilation procedures.
  • Physical Hazards: This category addresses dangers associated with the physical work environment, such as falling objects, loud noise, and electrical hazards. Regulations may specify safe work practices and equipment requirements for these situations.
  • Biological Hazards: Some workplaces pose risks from exposure to biological agents like bacteria, viruses, or toxins. These regulations aim to minimize exposure and protect workers from potential illnesses.
  • Machine Safety: Regulations in this area ensure machinery is properly guarded and operated safely to prevent accidents.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): PPE like gloves, goggles, and respirators play a vital role in protecting workers. Regulations may specify the type of PPE required for specific tasks.
  • Ergonomics: This area focuses on designing workplaces and tasks to minimize the risk of musculoskeletal disorders caused by repetitive motions or awkward postures.

The specific regulations within each category can vary depending on the industry and the regulatory body involved. However, understanding these broad categories provides a general framework for the types of health & safety regulations you might encounter.

Global Health & Safety Regulatory Bodies


  1. UK: Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - www.hse.gov.uk
  2. Republic of Ireland: Health and Safety Authority (HSA) - www.hsa.ie
  3. European Union: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) - osha.europa.eu
  4. France: Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité pour la Prévention des Accidents du Travail et des Maladies Professionnelles (INRS) - www.inrs.fr
  5. Germany: Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAUA) - www.baua.de
  6. Italy: Istituto Nazionale per la Prevenzione degli Infortuni sul Lavoro (INAIL) - www.inail.it
  7. Spain: Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (INSST) - www.insst.es
  8. Austria: Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK) [Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz] - www.sozialministerium.at
  9. Belgium: Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (FPS Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg (WAS)) [Service public fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale] - www.employment.belgium.be 
  10. Denmark: Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet) - arbejdstilsynet.dk
  11. Finland: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) - www.ttl.fi
  12. Netherlands: Dutch Working Conditions Authority (Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie (NLI)) - www.inspectieszw.nl
  13. Norway: Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet) - www.arbeidstilsynet.no
  14. Poland: Central Labour Inspectorate (Główny Inspektorat Pracy (GIP)) - www.pip.gov.pl
  15. Sweden: Swedish Work Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) - www.av.se
  16. Switzerland: Swiss Accident Insurance Fund (Suva) - bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home.html
  17. Czech Republic: State Institute for Occupational Safety - www.suip.cz
  18. Estonia: Estonian Working Environment Authority (Tööinspektsioon) - www.ti.ee
  19. Greece: Hellenic Labour Inspectorate (ΣΕΠΕ) - www.hli.gov.gr
  20. Hungary: National Labour Inspectorate - www.ommf.gov.hu
  21. Iceland: The Icelandic Working Environment Authority (Avinningastofnun) -https://island.is/s/vinnueftirlitid
  22. Latvia: State Labour Inspectorate (Valsts darba inspekcija) - www.vdi.gov.lv
  23. Lithuania: State Labour Inspectorate (Valstybinė darbo inspekcija) - www.vdi.lt
  24. Portugal: Authority for Working Conditions (ACT) - www.act.gov.pt
  25. Slovakia: National Labour Inspectorate (Národný inšpektorát práce) - www.safework.gov.sk
  26. Slovenia: Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia (Inšpektorat Republike Slovenije za delo) - www.id.gov.si

America (North & South)

  1. USA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - www.osha.gov
  2. Canada: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) - www.ccohs.ca
  3. Argentina: Superintendencia de Riesgos del Trabajo (Superintendence of Work Risks) - www.argentina.gob.ar/srt 
  4. Bolivia: Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Previsión Social (Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Welfare) - www.mintrabajo.gob.bo 
  5. Brazil: Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (Ministry of Labor and Employment) - www.gov.br/mte 
  6. Chile: Superintendencia de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (Superintendence of Occupational Safety and Health) - www.suseso.cl
  7. Colombia: Ministerio del Trabajo (Ministry of Labor) - www.mintrabajo.gov.co
  8. Ecuador: Ministerio del Trabajo (Ministry of Labor) - www.trabajo.gob.ec 
  9. Guyana: Department of Labour - www.dol.gov.gy
  10. Paraguay: Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social (Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security) - www.mtess.gov.py
  11. Peru: Superintendencia de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (Superintendence of Occupational Safety and Health) - www.susalud.gob.pe 
  12. Suriname: Ministry of Labor - www.gov.sr
  13. Uruguay: Banco de Seguros del Estado (State Insurance Bank) - www.bse.com.uy
  14. Venezuela: Instituto Nacional de Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo (National Institute for Occupational Hygiene and Safety) - www.inhrr.gob.ve


  1. Australia: Safe Work Australia - www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au
  2. Fiji: Ministry of Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations - www.employment.gov.fj
  3. New Zealand: WorkSafe New Zealand - www.worksafe.govt.nz 
  4. Papua New Guinea: Department of Labour and Industrial Relations - www.health.gov.pg/
  5. Samoa: Ministry of Labour - www.mwti.gov.ws (Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure which includes Labour functions)
  6. Solomon Islands: Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Development - No specific website for Labour; general government portal: www.solomons.gov.sb
  7. Tonga: Ministry of Labour, Commerce and Consumer Protection - www.mlccp.gov.to
  8. Vanuatu: Department of Labour - dol.gov.vu


  1. India: Directorate General of Factory Advice and Labour Institutes (DGFASLI) - www.dgfasli.gov.in
  2. Maldives: Ministry of Economic Development - www.trade.gov.mv
  3. Bangladesh: Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) - www.dife.gov.bd
  4. Myanmar: Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population - www.mol.gov.mm
  5. Nepal: Department of Labour - www.dol.gov.np
  6. Sri Lanka: Department of Labour - www.labourdept.gov.lk
  7. China: Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM) - www.mem.gov.cn
  8. Mongolia: Labour Inspection Department (LID) - mlsp.gov.mn
  9. North Korea: Ministry of Labour - No specific website available
  10. South Korea: Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) - www.kosha.or.kr 
  11. Russia: Federal Service for Labour and Employment (Rostrud) - rostrud.gov.ru
  12. Kazakhstan: Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population - www.enbek.gov.kz
  13. Kyrgyzstan: State Inspectorate for Ecological and Technological Safety and Labour - geti.gov.kg
  14. Tajikistan: Committee for Labour, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan - www.khme.tj
  15. Afghanistan: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs - aop.gov.af/en
  16. Nepal: Department of Labour - www.dol.gov.np
  17. Bhutan: Department of Labour (DoL) - www.molhr.gov.bt
  18. Myanmar: Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population - www.mol.gov.mm
  19. Laos: Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare - www.molsw.gov.la
  20. Vietnam: Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) - www.molisa.gov.vn
  21. Bahrain: Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) - www.lmra.bh
  22. Iran: Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare - www.mcls.gov.ir
  23. Iraq: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs - www.molsa.gov.iq
  24. Israel: Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services - www.molsa.gov.il
  25. Jordan: Ministry of Labour - www.mol.gov.jo
  26. Kuwait: Public Authority for Manpower - www.manpower.gov.kw
  27. Lebanon: Ministry of Labour - www.labor.gov.lb
  28. Oman: Ministry of Manpower - www.manpower.gov.om
  29. Qatar: Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs - www.adlsa.gov.qa
  30. Saudi Arabia: Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development - www.mhrsd.gov.sa
  31. Turkey: Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services - www.ailevecalisma.gov.tr
  32. United Arab Emirates: Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization - www.mohre.gov.ae


  1. Botswana: Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services - https://www.gov.bw/labor-employment?txterm=134 
  2. Ethiopia: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs - www.molsa.gov.et
  3. Ghana: Department of Labour - www.labour.gov.gh
  4. Kenya: Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services - www.labour.go.ke 
  5. Mauritius: Occupational Safety and Health Division (Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training) - www.labour.govmu.org  
  6. Namibia: Directorate of Labour - www.mol.gov.na
  7. Nigeria: Department of Occupational Safety and Health (Federal Ministry of Labour) - labour.gov.ng
  8. Rwanda: Rwanda Occupational Safety and Health Authority (ROSHA) - www.mifotra.gov.rw
  9. South Africa: Department of Employment and Labour (DEL) - www.labour.gov.za
  10. Tanzania: Occupational Safety and Health Authority (OSHA) - www.osha.go.tz 
  11. Uganda: Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health - www.mglsd.go.ug

Finding Information on Local Regulations

While global health & safety regulatory bodies play a crucial role in establishing minimum standards, it's important to remember that local regulations can also exist. These local regulations may add additional layers of protection or address specific hazards unique to a region or industry.

Here are some tips for finding information on local health & safety regulations:

  • Government Websites: Most government websites will have a dedicated section for occupational health and safety. Look for ministries or departments responsible for labor or workplace safety. These websites often provide access to downloadable regulations, FAQs, and contact information for further assistance.
  • Regulatory Body Websites: Many global and regional regulatory bodies maintain lists of their member countries' national safety authorities. Utilize the list provided in this blog as a starting point, and explore the websites of these national bodies for more specific local regulations.
  • Industry Associations: Industry-specific associations are valuable resources for staying up-to-date on relevant health and safety regulations. These associations often provide guidance, resources, and training programs tailored to the specific safety needs of their industry.
  • Safety Consultancies:  Professional safety consultants can provide tailored advice and support on navigating the complexities of local health & safety regulations. This can be particularly helpful for businesses operating in new regions or dealing with complex safety concerns.

Remember, prioritizing workplace safety is a collaborative effort. By utilizing the resources available through global and local regulatory bodies, industry associations, and safety consultants, you can ensure your workplace adheres to the highest safety standards and keeps your employees protected.


This blog post has provided a foundation for understanding the importance of global health & safety regulations and the role of regulatory bodies in establishing these standards. We've explored different types of regulations and highlighted the importance of staying informed about local regulations as well.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • Global health & safety regulations are essential for protecting workers, fostering fair competition, and ensuring a smooth-functioning global economy.
  • These regulations cover a wide range of areas, including chemical safety, physical hazards, and machine safety.
  • While global bodies provide a baseline, understanding local regulations is crucial for complete compliance.

Moving Forward:

  • Utilize the list of regulatory bodies provided in this blog to explore their resources and learn more about specific health & safety regulations.
  • Take advantage of resources offered by government websites, industry associations, and safety consultants to stay informed and address safety concerns in your workplace.

Remember, a commitment to health & safety starts with awareness. By utilizing the resources available and actively seeking knowledge, you can play a vital role in creating a safer and more productive work environment for everyone.


This list is not exhaustive, and some websites may be in languages other than English.

Disclaimer: While we have tried to include all regulatory bodies, there are some countries we may have missed, or the URLs might have changed from publication. spacebands take no responsibility for the health & safety advice offered by any of the regulatory bodies linked in this article.

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